The impact of bedwetting
Bedwetting is a common condition, but most children are dry by their fifth birthday. In the UK alone, half a million children aged 5–16 years old regularly wet the bed.
Bedwetting is treatable and you can help
Bedwetting can be stressful for children and their families and it may be difficult to know where and when to ask for help.
If your child is still wetting their bed, you are not alone. However, leaving it untreated can cause social and emotional issues for many children and young people.
Impact on children
Bedwetting can be very distressing for your child. Children who wet the bed have been shown to:
- Have significantly lower self-esteem
- Have the feeling of being ‘different’ to other children
- Worry about others finding out
These feelings can affect your child and cause isolation from their friends, such as not being able to go to sleepovers.
If you have specific questions or concerns, talk to your child's doctor, school nurse, health visitor or pharmacist.
Bladder and Bowel UK offer a confidential helpline. If you would like to speak to someone, email: or phone: +44 (0)161 214 4591. You can also visit this website for more information:
Support, information and resources are also available from ERIC, The Children’s Bowel and Bladder Charity: and their freephone helpline: +44 (0)808 169 9949

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Job code: UK-MN-2300010 I Date of preparation: June 2023